Infomatics engineering study major engineering faculty of tanjung pura university

Hi guys
     My name Sopia Prisklia Yuli Nainggolan. I wash born on the 1st July 1998 and was in set up the world cup matches. I come from Pontianak exactly village Sukalanting. Age i now 18 years, i primary school graduates 29 pontianak east,junior high school 14 pontianak east and senior high school 01 sungai ambawang. I addres live in Tanjung Raya II jalan tani, housing Multi Residence II no.5 . I the eldest child of two brothers. And i will now has entered schools that are high namely collage or that are common to call collage. I to collage on tanjung pura university and take of tecnique information. Why i choose university tanjung pura because the campus with the house do not too far away or tuition fees affordable.
     The reason i take of tecnique information is because now his age technology are always on use every where and opportunities it works many and the most important i love a computet in a field game. And i want to deepen for information that ftourish with very rapidly,learn what make application and programs will brings me to my the world so wide. My forte in the field of infomation still i found but i will keep on studying searching for what skills i have in the field of information.


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